Balancing Client Work and Internal Projects

Keep resolutions and prioritizing tasks
Published on 2024-01-16

Hello y'all! 👋

It's been a while...again. We had intended to get back to our regular posting schedule as promised in our first blog post, but, as life would have it, some urgent tasks popped up, pushing our build-in-public project to the back burner. At first glance, this might seem like a lapse in time management or a failure to keep resolutions, but we like to think of it differently.

Prioritizing Customer Projects

When we made a promise to update our blog every two weeks, we were clear about one thing: Our customer projects have to take the front seat. Life can be unpredictable and last year ended with unexpected circumstances at our customer that lead to additional workload on our side. It is all about finding that spot where we can deliver good work to our clients while still making progress on our own initiatives. Sometimes, this means adjusting our schedules, even if it involves delaying a blog post. But hey, it's all part of the process, right?

Getting Back on Track

After a long pause, picking up where we left off with our resolutions can be daunting. The gap can make it seem like starting from scratch, but we see it as an opportunity to revisit our goals and gather some new ideas. As we wrote in our previous blog post, we are looking for test users for our product.

The most important task for us is to find them, build trust and get them to work with us. LinkedIn and other social media channels are helpful tools to achieve this. We will continue searching and approaching potential test users. Getting to know them through our existing contacts helps us to build a trusted relationship which allows direct feedback.

Who are potential customers?

Thanks to the feedback we have already received, we are confident that we will find enough users to test drive our tool. We are sure to get a polished product out of the door relatively quickly. But will we find enough actual customers for it? The only way to tell is to get actual numbers and responses from the market.

One way to achieve this is to build a landing page and track how many leads we can find for what we're offering. Thankfully, we may be able to reuse content we've already created due to our updates here. Showing the screencast, pointing out use-cases and providing a way to contact us directly should be the main parts of the page. This will also make our offering easy to share, and, along with our ongoing outreach, will help us check whether there is a market for our tool.

Looking ahead, we remain committed to our resolution of regular blog updates. We're planning to share more about our journey, the challenges we face, and the solutions we discover. We believe that this transparency will not only help us to keep going, but also provide valuable insights to our readers.

If you're not following us yet, you can on LinkedIn or Twitter / X. Star our build-in-public repository where we post our updates and check out the Flottform repository for implementation details.


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