Landing Page Landed

We have a website for Flottform!
Published on 2024-02-06

Hello y'all! 👋

It's Tuesday and it marks the beginning of the third week of not posting an update for Flottform! 😱

Luckily, we have something to tell the world: We have prepared a landing page for Flottform! 🥳

Please share your feedback on the page with us and let us know what you'd like to see next. Our new way of sharing feedback is:

Animate, Amaze and Attract

Finally, we're not limited to Markdown styles on GitHub anymore. You're likely able to tell right away that we love to create little animations and make the interactions feel highly engaging and fun. As we are growing it from a landing page to a fully fledged website, we want our visitors to be happy to come back to it and keep the process motivating for us.

Continuing the blog posts / updates

In the future, we will post our blog updates to the Flottform page. We will most probably add a newsletter service to the page soon, but as you may remember from an earlier post, we didn't want this to block publishing our new page. So you have multiple options to follow along:

  1. Use social media accounts to follow us (we post our updates on LinkedIn and X).
  2. Check the new landing page regularly (we target the end of this month - February 2024).
  3. Send us a message and ask us to send updates via e-mail to you. We'll keep track of you in a spreadsheet until we have a real service and will notify you to register once it's there.

We will provide more information on the page in the following days and keep this update short - now check out the new website and let us know what you'd like to see on it!


Newsletter Signup

Do you want to be notified when you can use Flottform yourself? Do you want to receive an e-mail whenever we post updates? Send an e-mail to to subscribe!